Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mad cows and the rise of the neo-cons

Liberal [ ]
Conservative [ ]
NDP [ ]
Green [X]

Knowing full well that the Liberal candidate in my riding would have been a shoe-in and despite my initial thoughts of voting for Jack and the NDP, at the very last second, I changed my mind and voted Green. I wholly supported Jack's ideas and am totally supportive of the NDP being the party of 'ordinary working Canadians' such as myself. Heck, I even tested on politicswatch.com as 100% NDP! (Green on canoe.ca and on the Globe & Mail site, I was split: 3-Lib, 2-NDP and 2-Green)

Well, truth be told, I was hoping that the Greens would get at least 1 seat. Their platform is sound and their presence is necessary to signify to all Canadians that the environment must be top priority. What's good for the environment is good for everyone. I've heard enough bitching about high gas prices and smog from those who drive gas guzzling SUVs. Climate changes, loss of species and decline in biodiversity are all very serious issues that our government MUST address. Hopefully, in the coming years the Greens will have a stronger showing.

As for Mr. Harper and his new minority government, I would be remiss if I did not admit to being slightly disappointed in Canadians' slight shift to the right. It's not my ideal result and Mr. Harper has his work cut out for him. His shift to the center is a good step but we all know that he would not have been able to win if he stuck with the hard right stance. Perhaps he is pandering but I am glad we have Jack and whoever becomes the new Liberal leader to keep him in check.


Blogger epicurist said...

I have to agree as well. What really annoys me are those people from the GTA or Suburbs who complain about gas prices and traffic, and say that the city is the smog producer when in fact, it is the Suburbanites who are creating the smog with all their travel. I know I'm ranting (sorry Russ), but it really goads me.

As for Harpers move to Centre (red)...I don't think it has anything to do with a change in his political philosophy. He is still a Reform/Conservative, who just happened to strategically create a new public persona of being less ultra-right. He knows that as a minority gov't he will have to abide by the rules and appeal to as many Canadians as possible, so that in the following election, he can attempt to get a majority.

P.S. great post!

11:17 a.m.  
Blogger jadedmonkey said...

Russ - True. I was just hoping that there was one very vocal greenie. If Harper pulls out of the Kyoto agreement like he treatened to do there will be hell to pay I tell ya!

Epi - Agreed. Helmet Head was pandering just to get voted in.

4:23 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've said this before and time again; my theory is the pcs are using anti-gay sentiments to appeal to the traditional canadian vote because this is a topic so many people feel so strongly about. i am confident we'll be fine with this minority government keeping things in check. good for u re: green vote! - willariah -

3:05 p.m.  

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