Thursday, December 01, 2005

Aussie man hanged

In approximately one hour, Singapore will hang convicted drug smuggler Nguyen Tuong Van. I can't help but feel sorry for the poor chap. I don't think he is that bad of a person but I wouldn't be so quick to honour him with a national moment of silence. He is guilty of making an incredibly stupid choice in a country where draconian law presides and for this he is paying the ulitmate price. I am certain that Mr. Nguyen was fully aware of the penalities for smuggling drugs but he chose to do it anyway. How desparate was his circumstance that drove him to commit this crime?
Australia asked for clemency. Singapore denied. In a last minute effort, Australia asked for extradition in order for him to be tried under Australian law (thereby saving his life but maybe locking him up in jail for a long time). I don't think Singapore should spare Mr. Nguyen on the basis that he is a foreigner but should give serious consideration to circumstances of the crime before administration of the death penalty.
Drugs are a very, very serious issue in Singapore and other countries in South East Asia and never to be taken lightly. Now if only these countries would treat child molesters and child sex-tourists with equal harshness...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm. i think to have lived a grande life and to have died for a cause where people will begin to challenge and question stoic methods of justice, is better than to die gracefully and unknown. hmm. xo.. enjoy ur weekend. - willariah -

10:47 p.m.  

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