Friday, May 20, 2005

Paris in the Spring!

The Gospel According to Paris:

"... Paris claims the secret to getting rich is going to parties.
The beautiful heiress says if you want to succeed you have to stay up until the early hours of the morning socialising with the rich and famous and then languish in bed for as long as possible.
She revealed: "Never ever wake up before 10; never go to bed before three. Normal hours are for normal people. You never want to be normal."

"It's traditional for an heiress to be raised in a sheltered way. No one thinks that's true of me, but it actually was."

Praise to you, Lady Paris. Divine Goddess of Divadom!


Blogger Mr. Vente said...

OK, I know people love their Paris Hilton, but why is this person famous? I don't even think she's particularly attractive nor is she very bright nor is she talented. Her sister is so much better and I appreciate that she's far more low key than Paris. Sorry, Mr. Monkey, I'm a hater...LOL

4:19 p.m.  
Blogger epicurist said...

she is famous cause she is a star f*cker. She admits it herself. Money does not mean class or beauty. You can buy beauty, but you can't buy class.

1:44 p.m.  

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