Saturday, February 25, 2006

I saw dead people

I just saw the most fascinating exhibit. This is the final weekend for Body Worlds 2 and I must say how totally fascinating the exhibit was. I was really amazed and learned a lot about how the body's muscles are all interconnected. It was pretty amazing to see real human specimens and all the sinews and tendons and muscles in tact. Now, that I have seen all the muscles of the body, i will think about them each time I work out at the gym or at yoga class. It's pretty amazing how all the tendons and ligaments work together and how many there are in a forearm.

I wandered around the exhibit looking at every single display up close to see the intricate network of tissue. Oddly, some of the muscles reminded me of beef jerky and the liver displays reminded me of fois gras. (hehehe... )

I was not freaked out about the exhibit at all, the only one that was mildly disturbing was the pregnant woman with a baby still in her womb. It did not say how she died but it did show that she was a heavy smoker. Her lung was exposed and it was black! How sad...

I came away with a new appreciation for this beautiful vessel, this amazing machine that we call the human body. If Body Worlds comes to your city, go see it!


Blogger epicurist said...

I saw the exhibition back in October and it was truly amazing. Not only was it educational, but it was also incredible artistic. The installation was done very well and it proved to be a big attraction for people in the Medical or Physiotherapy fields.

4:21 p.m.  

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