Sunday, January 29, 2006

Gong Xi Fa Cai

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Mad cows and the rise of the neo-cons

Liberal [ ]
Conservative [ ]
NDP [ ]
Green [X]

Knowing full well that the Liberal candidate in my riding would have been a shoe-in and despite my initial thoughts of voting for Jack and the NDP, at the very last second, I changed my mind and voted Green. I wholly supported Jack's ideas and am totally supportive of the NDP being the party of 'ordinary working Canadians' such as myself. Heck, I even tested on as 100% NDP! (Green on and on the Globe & Mail site, I was split: 3-Lib, 2-NDP and 2-Green)

Well, truth be told, I was hoping that the Greens would get at least 1 seat. Their platform is sound and their presence is necessary to signify to all Canadians that the environment must be top priority. What's good for the environment is good for everyone. I've heard enough bitching about high gas prices and smog from those who drive gas guzzling SUVs. Climate changes, loss of species and decline in biodiversity are all very serious issues that our government MUST address. Hopefully, in the coming years the Greens will have a stronger showing.

As for Mr. Harper and his new minority government, I would be remiss if I did not admit to being slightly disappointed in Canadians' slight shift to the right. It's not my ideal result and Mr. Harper has his work cut out for him. His shift to the center is a good step but we all know that he would not have been able to win if he stuck with the hard right stance. Perhaps he is pandering but I am glad we have Jack and whoever becomes the new Liberal leader to keep him in check.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Mad cows and doomsday.

Just for fun, I took another one of those quickie "Who to vote for" tests on My results said that I should vote GREEN.

Today, on the day that everyone has predicted The Fall of the Liberal Empire, there was a report that another case of mad cow has been found in Canada. In ancient times, I bet that would be considered some sort of pathetic fallacy. The soothsayers would portend drastic changes upon finding sick animals.
Alberta is where the mad cows were found, Alberta is where the Neo-Cons come from! Hmmmmm, co-incidence????

As an aside, on a personal note, this mad cow thing has given me another reason to stick to my New Year's Resolution of cutting back (if not eliminate) beef from my diet. The doctor told me I should cut back on red meat and dairy anyway.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Neo-Cons, Libs, Lefties, Frenchies and Greenies

Here we go again, to the polls we go. I took this little test on the Globe & Mail website and found out that I agreed with the Libs on 3 issues, the lefties on 2 and the greenies on 2 others (Neo-Cons - 0, and Bloc - 0).
As with most Canadians, I guess that means I lean left on most issues. Not terribly surprising.
My MP is a Lib and pretty much a shoe-in. Of all the candidates, I've only been accosted by the Neo-Con who told me that I should vote Green... weird. I haven't spotted the Leftie or the Greenie candidate campaigning in my area at all but I have read the platforms.

Anyway, all you Canadians - VOTE!!! Don't let that rat bastard Harper ruin our home and native land!!
(Am I the only guy to notice that Harper has been coached into cheesily smirking into the camera during the debates? Man I wanted to slap that smirk off his face!)